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Numeric Custom Type

from typing import Any, Self

from d42.custom_type import CustomSchema, PathHolder, Props, ValidationResult, register_type
from d42.custom_type.errors import TypeValidationError, ValueValidationError
from d42.custom_type.utils import make_substitution_error
from d42.custom_type.visitors import Generator, Representor, Substitutor, Validator
from niltype import Nil, Nilable

class NumericProps(Props):
def value(self) -> Nilable[str]:
return self.get("value")

class NumericSchema(CustomSchema[NumericProps]):
def __call__(self, value: str) -> Self:
return self.__class__(self.props.update(value=value))

def __represent__(self, visitor: Representor, indent: int = 0) -> str:
if self.props.value is not Nil:
return f"{}.numeric({self.props.value!r})"
return f"{}.numeric"

def __generate__(self, visitor: Generator) -> str:
if self.props.value is not Nil:
return self.props.value
number = visitor.random.random_int(0, 2 ** 32 - 1)
return str(number)

def __validate__(self, visitor: Validator, value: Any, path: PathHolder) -> ValidationResult:
result = visitor.make_validation_result()

if not (isinstance(value, str) and all(char in "1234567890" for char in value)):
result.add_error(TypeValidationError(path, value, "numeric str"))

if (self.props.value is not Nil) and (value != self.props.value):
result.add_error(ValueValidationError(path, value, self.props.value))

return result

def __substitute__(self, visitor: Substitutor, value: Any) -> Self:
result = visitor.validator.visit(self, value=value)
if result.has_errors():
raise make_substitution_error(result, visitor.formatter)

return self.__class__(self.props.update(value=value))

schema_numeric = register_type("numeric", NumericSchema)