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Quick Start

The d42 package is a comprehensive toolkit for data modeling, which includes functionalities for definition, generation, validation, and substitution of data models using a robust data description language.


$ pip3 install d42


d42 offers a full suite of tools essential for effective data modeling:

  • A data description language for defining data models.
  • Integrated capabilities for generating fake data.
  • Built-in validation tools for ensuring data model integrity.
  • Utilities for substituting values in data models.


Here is an example of how to declare a schema for a string containing the word "banana":

from d42 import schema, fake, validate_or_fail

sch = schema.str("banana")

assert validate_or_fail(sch, fake(sch))

In this example, a schema is declared using the schema.str function with "banana" as an argument. A fake value based on this schema is then generated using the fake function, and its validity is checked with validate_or_fail. The assert statement confirms the success of the validation, raising an exception if it fails.