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The aiohttp-valera-validator package allows you to use d42 as a validation tool for your aiohttp web server.


To install the package, use the following command:

$ pip3 install aiohttp-valera-validator


To use aiohttp-valera-validator, you need to define a schema for the request parameters using d42. To do this, define a ParamsSchema schema:

from d42 import schema

ParamsSchema = schema.dict({
"q": schema.str.len(1, ...)

In this example, the ParamsSchema schema defines a required parameter q that must be a string with at least one character.

Then, use the @validate decorator from aiohttp-valera-validator to validate the request parameters against the schema, as shown in the example below:

from aiohttp.web import Application, json_response, route, run_app
from aiohttp_valera_validator import validate

async def handler(request):
q = request.query["q"]
return json_response({"q": q})

app = Application()
app.add_routes([route("GET", "/users", handler)])

To test the app, you can use the httpie command-line tool to send requests to the app, as shown in the examples below:

# Send a request with a valid parameter
$ http /users?q=Bob
"q": "Bob"

# Send a request with an invalid parameter
$ http /users
"errors": [
"Value <class 'str'> at _['q'] must have at least 1 element, but it has 0 elements"

For more information on the aiohttp-valera-validator package, see the documentation. For more information on aiohttp, see the aiohttp documentation.